0.18.0 Battle / Attacks Overhaul


I have implemented a new way to manage attacks and the way they work. This will allow to more easily add new attacks and control what they do.

Several of the attacks were also buffed and debuffed.

Poison now also reduces the healing on the affected digimon.

New attack: Protect, protects from the effects of one of the enemy attacks that would affect the user digimon.

Healing now reduces it's effectiveness every time it's used.

Typed attacks has higher chance to do condition status.

Incremented condition status max turns affecting the digimon.

Fixed some bugs with digimon scanning.

Change flow of screens when battling in PVE and PVP.

Changed messages when attack is super effective of not very effective.


Android App 106 MB
Version 0.18.0 24 days ago

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