Settings, Food and Death


  • Settings
    • New settings screen
    • Data deletion inside settings screen
    • Send feedback inside settings screen
  • Tutorial
    • Names in the tutorials
  • Food
    • Food now gives different bonuses when consumed
  • Death
    • When the digimon doesn't digivolve when the D is complete, the D will slowly deplete until the digimon dies

Bug fixes:

  • Tutorial
    • Minor text redaction fixes
  • Sprites
    • Wizardmon
    • Gabumon
    • Garurumon
    • WereGarurumon
    • MetalGarurumon
    • Agumon
    • BlackAgumon
    • Guilmon
    • BlackGuilmon
    • Monodramon
    • Veemon
    • Betamon
    • Crabmon
    • Gizamon
    • Gomamon
    • Kamemon
    • Otamamon
    • Syakomon
    • SnowGoblimon
    • SnowAgumon
    • Aruraumon
    • WarGreymon
    • Flymon


Android App 105 MB
Version 15 Apr 09, 2021

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