Changes & Bug Fixes

Happy Odaiba Memorial Day!

It's been a long months since the last update, between college and getting married I couldn't find the time to work on the project. I hope to be able to add more things in the months to come. I still have lot's of ideas and functions to add to the app. I hope it doesn't end up weighting 20Gb.

The weekly report the app has it's a usage stats of the app of how each person is playing, it's really helpful when it comes to see what errors can occur in the different devices.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed care mistakes counting for hunger and sleep.
  • Fixed memory gauge bug 
  • Modified SpAttack rankings
  • Possible fix for missing text in Digipedia
  • Excel Memory Bug Fix

Thanks for playing!


Android App 106 MB
Version 0.7.1 Aug 01, 2022

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