0.12.0 Music, Sound & AntiCheat


The app now has sound, I still have to refine a lot of sounds and music but it's a first draft of it.


  • Music & Sounds
  • Anti Cheat system for clock tempering
  • Threat level: Indicate if the stat sum of the enemy is close or far to your own digimon

Bug Fixes:

  • Acceleration boost: No longer eternal


Android App 105 MB
Version 0.12.0 Mar 17, 2023

Get Digivice Project


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Hi!! Im loving the direction of this fan made!! Im having trouble with scanning though, no cards or items come up. Do i jave a bugbor is the feature not present yet?

The item drop chances are low, ~20%. it may just be bad RNG.

Thanks for playing! <3